The Metaverse. You’re already in it.

Kevin Jones Cofounder & CEO VizVibe LLC We have been hearing a lot about the Metaverse lately and how great the tech giants like Meta (formally Facebook) envision a seamless world of content and connection. I wrote a blog post a few weeks back about how my 10-year-old son and his friends are already very … Continue reading The Metaverse. You’re already in it.

Fear and Change in business. The steamroller isn’t coming… It’s here.

While attending the conference I had the opportunity to catch the keynote presentation by Michael Rosenblum Founder & CEO and the man credited with creating the video journalism model. An innovative way to field journalists with a camera (not a traditional pro camera) and a computer and send them out to get stories. Crazy because … Continue reading Fear and Change in business. The steamroller isn’t coming… It’s here.